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 Very helpful tips.

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Very helpful tips. Empty
MessageSujet: Very helpful tips.   Very helpful tips. Icon_minitimeMer 3 Aoû - 8:59

Hello. Originally posted by RalphZero: Everyone, Thanks for the information. I could not rip District 9 with any versions of DVDFab. However, I was able to copy the main movie using DVD Shrink 3.2. I was also able to rip the entire DVD to my HDD using AnyDVD.What is better AnyDVD ot DVDFab ?If I buy only 1, then which one should I buy?I am leaning towards AnyDVD.I am facing the same dilemma. I think anydvd and clonedvd is the better choice if you are like me and buy those Disney DVDs where the kids can tear them up in just a day or so, or in this case, where I bought several DVD's for the family this Christmas and there were problems copying a couple of movies (I make copies immediately after purchase and store the original).On the other hand, dvdfab is more convenient and less expensive, but is just a tad slow to get out an update. They get a few points in their favor because I used their free program for a year and it was very good (note: they have changed their policies and don't update the free program for months at a time now).
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Very helpful tips.
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